Family Partnership
Lasting Partnership Means Lasting Impact
Building an equal and open partnership with our students’ families allows us – as a team – to provide the consistency and support that students need to feel confident and safe and to perform at their best. This partnership is based on a high standard of shared responsibility between home and school that empowers families to participate in their children’s education and to enjoy the successes they achieve together.
Home and School Communication
We work hard to foster the partnership between home and school even before the school year begins. Faculty members visit each student’s home prior to the beginning of every school year to lay the groundwork for this all-important partnership and set mutual goals for the student. Families are then invited to attend conferences in November and April to discuss their child’s development. Families are also encouraged to engage in conversations with teachers and school personnel throughout the year.
Family Council
The Community Partnership School Family Council actively promotes open communication, understanding and cooperation among all members of the CPS community and beyond. The Council collaborates with school administrators, teachers and staff to ensure the strong quality of our children’s educational experience. The Council also fosters a strong sense of goodwill, camaraderie, and involvement in the parent community. All CPS parents/guardians are members of the Family Council and are encouraged to attend month Family Council meetings. The Council is a channel through which parents and guardians can actively engage the life of the school and contribute to the school’s continued growth and well-being.
Parent Nights
Throughout the year, evening meetings for caregivers are held with teachers and special guests on topics related to education, parenting, and the overall well-being of our school community. There are five required parent night sessions. At each meeting, dinner and childcare are provided. Additional workshop opportunities may be scheduled periodically for interested families.