Social-Emotional Learning
At Community Partnership School, we believe that the social-emotional learning (SEL) curriculum is as important as academics. Students are taught weekly, explicit lessons on skills such as self-regulation, empathy, and mindset. In addition to the weekly lessons, classes also meet once a week to have a problem-solving meeting. Students practice relaxation techniques and mindfulness, then choose a problem to discuss and solve as a class. The school counselor has created vocabulary that is shared and displayed in the classrooms so that common language is used in grades Pre-K-5. Mindfulness, breathing, and sexual health are also taught during this time.
Lessons have included:
Identifying and telling an adult about dangerous and destructive behavior
Knowing how to speak up and to be an ally
Recognizing commonalities and understanding and accepting differences
Learning to respectfully disagree
Developing feelings vocabulary
Open Circle
Our social-emotional learning curriculum is based on the Open Circle curriculum developed at the Stone Center at Wellesley College. Learn more about Open Circle here: