Social-Emotional Learning

At Community Partnership School, we position our students for lifelong success by guiding not only their academic development but their social and emotional development as well. We believe these social and emotional skills to be an integral component of shaping students who not only succeed academically but are good people. Our guiding values of Curiosity, Courage, and Compassion help faculty and staff teach students how to stand up for what’s right, maintain integrity, and make choices that support positive relationships.

Using a framework of weekly Class Meetings, our Pre-K through 5th grade students engage in exercises meant to build self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Lessons have included:

  • Identifying and telling an adult about dangerous and destructive behavior

  • Knowing how to speak up and to be an ally

  • Recognizing commonalities and understanding and accepting differences

  • Learning to respectfully disagree

  • Developing feelings vocabulary

Our social-emotional learning curriculum is based on the Open Circle curriculum developed at the Stone Center at Wellesley College. Learn more about Open Circle here: